Sensory Shoe Insoles
The water in the MEDICOVI insoles creates pressure waves that act on the surface of the feet in just milliseconds.
Water wave therapy is a unique orthopedic therapy based on the constant movement of the feet, generated by the waves of the water in the MEDICOVI insoles.
The reason for the immediate relief from foot pain is the speed with which the hydraulic water pressure waves move in MEDICOVI orthopedic insoles.The use of water in MEDICOVI insoles is in line with the most recent scientific and technical intuitions.
Water wave therapy is a unique orthopedic therapy based on the constant movement of the feet, which is generated by the water waves in the MEDICOVI insoles.
The reason for immediate relief from foot pain is the speed at which the hydraulic pressure waves of water move in the MEDICOVI orthopedic insoles. The use of water in the MEDICOVI insoles aligns with the latest scientific and technical insights.
The hydraulic pressure waves in the Medicovi orthopedic insoles stimulate the feet to move continuously. These movements spread from the feet upwards towards the musculoskeletal system, automatically ensuring relief from pain and a relaxed body posture.
The pressure during footstep causes the hydraulic pressure waves in the Medicovi orthopedic insoles to execute a series of vertical movements. These movements enhance the natural pain cushioning, especially during prolonged standing.
Senzorické vodou plněné ortopedické vložky Medicovi byly vyvinuty s využitím pokročilých odborných poznatků v oblasti medicíny na Katedře buněčné a molekulární medicíny (ICMM) Kodaňské Univerzity a Centrem pro Senzomotorickou Interakci Aalborgské Univerzity v Dánsku.
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